Useful Websites

This is not an exhaustive list but we have gathered together organisations and websites which you may find useful in finding out more about social prescribing:

All Ireland Social Prescribing Network aims to champion Social Prescribing so that it is valued, understood and sustained across the island of Ireland.

Bromley By Bow Centre provides training courses are designed for link workers and people in working various disciplines to understand the fundamentals of social prescribing, whether you have experience or not.

Creative Health Service provides quality behavioural healthcare designed to empower and promote wellness for individuals, families and communities.

Elemental is an award-winning social prescribing software company that helps users demonstrate real value and impact from community investment activities.

FutureNHS is a collaboration platform that empowers everyone working in health and social care to safely connect, share and learn across boundaries. 

National Academy for Social Prescribing works to create partnerships, across the arts, health, sports, leisure, and the natural environment, alongside other aspects of our lives, to promote health and wellbeing at a national and local level and champion social prescribing.

National Association of Link Workers is the only professional body for Social Prescribing Link Workers in the UK and are committed to upholding the confidence and integrity of the profession.

National Association for Voluntary and Community Action is the only national membership body specifically for local sector support and development organisations (also known as local infrastructure) in England.

National Social Prescribing Student Champion Scheme was created to enable medical, allied health professionals and healthcare students to get involved in learning about, teaching, and promoting social prescribing within their region.

National Voices is the leading coalition of health and social care charities in England and helps people and organisations to gain the knowledge, understanding, skills and confidence they need to engage more effectively.

Salford Social Prescribing Hub is a multi-professional team, including occupational therapists, nurses, and social workers, working to improve social prescribing policy and practice.

Scottish Social Prescribing Network steering group is representative of 8 social prescribing programmes across the country and oversees the network with the aim of growing and developing social prescribing.

Simply Connect is a leading software company providing online services are used to support the delivery of community services, case management, volunteer management, and social prescribing.

Social Prescribing Youth Network needs a sentence from Paul.

University of Oxford and Royal College of General Practitioners Social Prescribing Observatories support a Learning Health System approach by providing accurate and up to date information about social prescribing.  

Voluntary Organisations Network North East supports charities, voluntary and community groups, and social enterprises to be well informed on the policy, practice, strategy developments and funding.

 Wales School for Social Prescribing Research is a virtual all-Wales school that aims to develop a social prescribing evaluation methodology, building on the work previously completed by the Wales Social Prescribing Research Network.

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Royal College of Medicine